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Showing posts from March, 2018

School Shooting possible solutions

As mentioned in other posts, there are many factors behind shootings, mental health, gun control and many others, this makes solving the problem efficiently and effectively significantly harder. Mental health is what lets individuals decide rationally and effectively. What's the issue with mental health? People of all ages have underlying problems that may seem unimportant, but this is what may possibly lead to a mental breakdown and poor decision making. Many times, these problems are created in the early ages and cause issues later on in life. Also, mental illnesses also hold a role in this system of issues. Depression is a good example in hereditary mental illnesses. In which doctors provided information on the presence of a gene that increases the likelihood of getting depression. Once again, people with these issues are subject to difficulties in rational decision making. A possible and simple way of aiding people with these problems could be implement and regulate school p...

Mental Illnesses, what are they, and how do they affect School Shootings?

Mental illness is a vague term, holding an array of limitless possibilities. But what is mental illness? A mental illness is described as condition involving changes in behavior, thinking and emotion (or a combination of these).  Many might also think that these are uncommon, in fact nearly 20% of adults experience some form of mental illness. But how does this entail with school shootings? Well, another common ground for criticism when debating about the shootings is mental health problems. President Donald Trump even went as far as to mention a mental health problem with criminal Nickolas Cruz in the Stoneman Douglas High school shooting.  So how should this be treated? Send them to a psychologist? A Psychiatrist? In general terms, many young adults and teens develop these conditions (e.g. depression) throughout their childhood, and most never seek treatment, bottling up these emotions for years on end, you don't have to be a psychologist to know that that isn't goo...

Stoneman Douglas Shooting

Not too long ago, on the 14th of February yet another tragedy occurred, leaving many in despair. The largest school shooting of 2018 had just occurred and for many, this was the last straw, openly in disagreement with the second amendment and the ease of access the shooter had to purchase his firearm. Many may not know, but the gun that was used for this was a AR-15 with a bump stock, used to bypass the semi-automatic restriction and allowing it to be a pseudo fully automatic.

Secret Service on School Shootings

Are Guns To Blame?

What do we know about guns? They are lethal, and are made to be fired. That seems redundant but most believe they're all made to kill people, while many are used recreationally, say for shooting ranges, while other are used for a financial purpose or a required to run a business, crocodile hunting is an example.            Don't get me wrong, they definitely DO kill people. But ultimately a weapon can be used for a recreational and generally speaking non-harmless way, and on the contrary, can be used to fabricate these horrendous school shootings. To use a extreme analogy, in the UK crimes are taking place with butter knives, the most unconventional and innocent utensils can be used for these atrocities.            I wouldn't blame guns, but I would definitely say they facilitate or ease the access to these horrible events occurring. They are called "school shootings" for a reason. Guns are not the sole reason for these...