As mentioned in other posts, there are many factors behind shootings, mental health, gun control and many others, this makes solving the problem efficiently and effectively significantly harder. Mental health is what lets individuals decide rationally and effectively. What's the issue with mental health? People of all ages have underlying problems that may seem unimportant, but this is what may possibly lead to a mental breakdown and poor decision making. Many times, these problems are created in the early ages and cause issues later on in life. Also, mental illnesses also hold a role in this system of issues. Depression is a good example in hereditary mental illnesses. In which doctors provided information on the presence of a gene that increases the likelihood of getting depression. Once again, people with these issues are subject to difficulties in rational decision making. A possible and simple way of aiding people with these problems could be implement and regulate school p...
What happened to make schools the new danger area, where looking over one's shoulder becomes a common trend? Is there something the general public can do?